📄️ Introduction
📄️ RC - Button
A reusable button component can be used in multiple parts of an application to create various UI instances. For example, a button component can display different colors in multiple parts of an application.
📄️ RC - Cards
A reusable card component is a versatile building block in software development that encapsulates content within a defined container, resembling a physical card. It's commonly used to present information or features in a visually appealing and crisp manner.
📄️ RC - Input
A reusable input component is a pure and predictable component that can be used across multiple applications. Here are some features of a reusable input component:
📄️ RC - List
A reusable list component is a user interface (UI) component that helps organize and present information. It can represent a single entry or unit of information within a larger set.
📄️ RC - Modal/Popup
A reusable modal component is a separate window in a web application that displays information or a confirmation box. Modals are a key component of most websites that display dynamic content and allow users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
📄️ RC - Context Menu
A reusable context menu component is a configurable component that appears when a user right-clicks in an editable area. It receives a list of configurable menu items, and clicking on a menu item triggers an onClick event. This event passes along the name of the item that was clicked.
📄️ RC - Progress Bar
A progress bar is a graphical control element that shows the progress of a computer operation. It can be a rectangle that animates as an operation progresses. Progress bars can also be a horizontal line or circle that shows the percentage of progress.
📄️ RC - Toast
A Toast component can send a toast notification that pops up to alert users of success, error, or warning. A toast can also provide information.
📄️ RC - Tooltip
A tooltip is a non-modal, non-interactive overlay that contains supplemental information for user interfaces. It is hidden by default and becomes unhidden when an associated element is hovered or focused. A tooltip can't be selected or interacted with directly.
📄️ RC - Loader
A reusable loader component is a visual element that indicates that data is loading or that an ongoing process is in progress. It can also display an error message if data retrieval fails.
📄️ RC - Key Value Pair
A key-value pair is a data type that contains two related data elements:
📄️ RC - Combo Text
A text box that can be placed within a section control. A multi-part text box typically has two text one after another. Either of them can be visible or both can be visible based on requirements.
📄️ RC - Dropdown
A dropdown component is a UI element that can open or close based on a trigger state. It can be used to filter or sort contents on a page.
📄️ RC - Editor
A text editor is a tool that allows users to create and edit documents on a computer. Text editors can open large files, read them quickly, and perform basic functions such as:
📄️ RC - Table
A reusable table component is a component that can be used to display tabular data. Tables are a structured dataset that can be used to read, filter, and search large-scale data.
📄️ RC - Tabs
A reusable tab component is a component that can be built once and used multiple times. Reusable tabs can help avoid repetitive logic.
📄️ RC - Tree
A tree component is used when designers need to visualize hierarchical data or nested categories. It is commonly used for representing navigation menus, file structures, organizational charts, or any scenario where data needs to be organized in a tree-like structure.